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Your search returned 9 results.

Unlocking the secrets of kangaroo locomotor energetics: Postural adaptations underpin increased tendon stress in hopping kangaroos

Lauren H. Thornton, Taylor J.M. Dick, John R. Hutchinson, et al.

Selected by EMB EMB_Liv et al.

Invasion of glioma cells through confined space requires membrane tension regulation and mechano-electrical coupling via Plexin-B2

Chrystian Junqueira Alves, Theodore Hannah, Sita Sadia, et al.

Selected by Jade Chan

The small RNA ErsA plays a role in the regulatory network of Pseudomonas aeruginosa pathogenicity in airways infection

Silvia Ferrara, Alice Rossi, Serena Ranucci, et al.

Selected by Zhang-He Goh

Behavioral signatures of a developing neural code

Lilach Avitan, Zac Pujic, Jan Mölter, et al.

Selected by amrutha Swaminathan

ROS production by localized SCHENGEN receptor module drives lignification at subcellular precision

Satoshi Fujita, Damien De Bellis, Kai H. Edel, et al.

Selected by Marc Somssich

Multiple overlapping hypothalamus-brainstem circuits drive rapid threat avoidance

Matthew Lovett-Barron, Ritchie Chen, Susanna Bradbury, et al.

Selected by amrutha Swaminathan, Rudra Nayan Das

Molecular and cellular determinants of motor asymmetry in zebrafish

Eric J. Horstick, Yared Bayleyen, Harold A. Burgess

Selected by amrutha Swaminathan

Variability of bacterial behavior in the mammalian gut captured using a growth-linked single-cell synthetic gene oscillator

David T Riglar, David L Richmond, Laurent Potvin-Trottier, et al.

Selected by Meng Zhu

A SoxB gene acts as an anterior gap gene and regulates posterior segment addition in the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum

Christian L. B. Paese, Anna Schoenauer, Daniel J. Leite, et al.

Selected by Erik Clark
