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Your search returned 33 results.

CeLaVi: An Interactive Cell Lineage Visualisation Tool

Irepan Salvador-Martínez, Marco Grillo, Michalis Averof, et al.

Selected by Mariana De Niz

Automatic whole cell organelle segmentation in volumetric electron microscopy

Larissa Heinrich, Davis Bennett, David Ackerman, et al.

Selected by Mariana De Niz

Composition and stage dynamics of mitochondrial complexes in Plasmodium falciparum

Felix Evers, Alfredo Cabrera-Orefice, Dei M. Elurbe, et al.

Selected by Mariana De Niz

Interactive design of GPU-accelerated Image Data Flow Graphs and cross-platform deployment using multi-lingual code generation

Robert Haase, Akanksha Jain, Stéphane Rigaud, et al.

Selected by Mariana De Niz

Automated Detection and Diameter Estimation for Mouse Mesenteric Artery using Semantic Segmentation

Akinori Higaki, Ahmad U. M. Mahmoud, Pierre Paradis, et al.

Selected by Mariana De Niz

Creating Clear and Informative Image-based Figures for Scientific Publications

Helena Jambor, Alberto Antonietti, Bradly Alicea, et al.

Selected by Mariana De Niz

RefPlantNLR: a comprehensive collection of experimentally validated plant NLRs

Jiorgos Kourelis, Sophien Kamoun

Selected by Hiral Shah

An Atlas of Gene Regulatory Elements in Adult Mouse Cerebrum

Yang Eric Li, Sebastian Preissl, Xiaomeng Hou, et al.

Selected by Monica Tambalo

A localization screen reveals translation factories and widespread co-translational RNA targeting

Racha Chouaib, Adham Safieddine, Xavier Pichon, et al.

Selected by Mafalda Pimentel

PlanktonScope: Affordable modular imaging platform for citizen oceanography

Thibaut Pollina, Adam G. Larson, Fabien Lombard, et al.

Selected by Mariana De Niz

FUS gene is dual-coding with both proteins united in FUS-mediated toxicity

Marie A. Brunet, Jean-Francois Jacques, Sonya Nassari, et al.

Selected by Madhuja Samaddar

Ultrasound Imaging Links Soleus Muscle Neuromechanics and energetics during human Walking with Elastic Ankle Exoskeletons

R.W. Nuckols, T.J.M Dick, O.N. Beck, et al.

Selected by Jonaz Moreno