Large-scale analyses of human microbiomes reveal thousands of small, novel genes and their predicted functions
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23 January 2019
Ganesh Kadamur

Robust Antibacterial Activity of Tungsten Oxide (WO3-X) Nanodots
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21 December 2018
Zhang-He Goh

Biofilm/Persister/Stationary Phase Bacteria Cause More Severe Disease Than Log Phase Bacteria II Infection with Persister Forms of Staphylococcus aureus Causes a Chronic Persistent Skin Infection with More Severe Lesion that Takes Longer to Heal and is not Eradicated by the Current Recommended Treatment in Mice
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20 December 2018
Snehal Kadam

The microbial basis of impaired wound healing: differential roles for pathogens, "bystanders", and strain-level diversification in clinical outcomes
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24 October 2018
Snehal Kadam

Using machine learning to guide targeted and locally-tailored empiric antibiotic prescribing in a children's hospital in Cambodia
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22 July 2018
Zhang-He Goh

Glutamic acid is a carrier for hydrazine during the biosyntheses of fosfazinomycin and kinamycin
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19 July 2018
Ellis O'Neill

Repurposing the quinoline antibiotic nitroxoline to treat infections caused by the brain-eating amoeba Balamuthia mandrillaris
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11 July 2018
Zhang-He Goh