
Search results

Your search returned 16 results.

Elasto-Plastic Transition in Epithelial Folding

Aki Teranishi, Misato Mori, Rihoko Ichiki, et al.

Selected by 11 March 2024

Teodora Piskova

Cell Biology

Self-organized morphogenesis of a human neural tube in vitro by geometric constraints

Eyal Karzbrun, Aimal H. Khankhel, Heitor C. Megale, et al.

Selected by 22 September 2021

Srivatsava Viswanadha


Optogenetic control of apical constriction induces synthetic morphogenesis in mammalian tissues

Guillermo Martínez-Ara, Núria Taberner, Mami Takayama, et al.

Selected by 08 July 2021

Monica Tambalo

Developmental Biology

A multi-layered and dynamic apical extracellular matrix shapes the vulva lumen in Caenorhabditis elegans

Jennifer D. Cohen, Alessandro P. Sparacio, Alexandra C. Belfi, et al.

Selected by 06 May 2020

Matus Lab

Developmental Biology

Combinatorial patterns of graded RhoA activation and uniform F-actin depletion promote tissue curvature

Marlis Denk-Lobnig, Natalie C Heer, Adam C Martin

Selected by 30 April 2020

Grace Lim

3-Dimensional Organization and Dynamics of the Microsporidian Polar Tube Invasion Machinery

Pattana Jaroenlak, Michael Cammer, Alina Davydov, et al.

Selected by 19 April 2020

Hiral Shah


Mechanical control of morphogenesis robustness

Emmanuel Martin, Sophie Theis, Guillaume Gay, et al.

Selected by 10 February 2020

Helen Zenner

Developmental Biology

apical constriction Reversal upon Mitotic Entry Underlies Different Morphogenetic Outcomes of Cell Division

Clint S. Ko, Prateek Kalakuntla, Adam C. Martin

Selected by 13 December 2019

Grace Lim

Developmental Biology

Assembly of a persistent apical actin network by the formin Frl/Fmnl tunes epithelial cell deformability

Benoit Dehapiot, Raphaël Clément, Gabriella Gazsó-Gerhát, et al.

Selected by 24 July 2019

Melanie White

Developmental Biology

Planar differential growth rates determine the position of folds in complex epithelia

Melda Tozluoğlu, Maria Duda, Natalie J Kirkland, et al.


Buckling of epithelium growing under spherical confinement

Anastasiya Trushko, Ilaria Di Meglio, Aziza Merzouki, et al.

Selected by 23 February 2019

Sundar Naganathan


Microtubules stabilize intercellular contractile force transmission during tissue folding

Selected by 20 February 2019

Ivana Viktorinová

Cell Biology

Transcriptional initiation and mechanically driven self-propagation of a tissue contractile wave during axis elongation

Anais Bailles, Claudio Collinet, Jean-Marc Philippe, et al.

Selected by 02 November 2018

Sundar Naganathan
