
Search results

Your search returned 137 results.

CTCF is essential for proper mitotic spindle structure and anaphase segregation

Katherine Chiu, Yasmin Berrada, Nebiyat Eskndir, et al.

Selected by Saanjbati Adhikari

3D genome organization around nuclear speckles drives mRNA splicing efficiency

Prashant Bhat, Amy Chow, Benjamin Emert, et al.

Selected by Diego Martínez

Genetically encoded multimeric tags for intracellular protein localisation in cryo-EM

Herman KH Fung, Yuki Hayashi, Veijo T Salo, et al.

Selected by Martyna Kosno-Vega

Transcriptional units form the elementary constraining building blocks of the bacterial chromosome

Amaury Bignaud, Charlotte Cockram, Eric Allemand, et al.

Selected by Jennifer Ann Black

Sex-determining 3D regulatory hubs revealed by genome spatial auto-correlation analysis

Irene Mota-Gómez, Juan Antonio Rodríguez, Shannon Dupont, et al.

Selected by Martin Estermann

Dissecting aneuploidy phenotypes by constructing Sc2.0 chromosome VII and SCRaMbLEing synthetic disomic yeast

Yue Shen, Feng Gao, Yun Wang, et al.

Selected by Grace Thomas

MPS1 localizes to microtubule-attached kinetochores and actively promotes microtubule release

Daniel Hayward, Emile Roberts, Ulrike Gruneberg

Selected by Saanjbati Adhikari

Pin1-promoted SUMOylation of RNF168 restrains its chromatin accumulation

Anoop Singh Chauhan, Alexander J. Garvin, Mohammed Jamshad, et al.

Selected by Pierre Caron

Comparative developmental genomics of sex-biased gene expression in early embryogenesis across mammals

Victorya Richardson, Kai Zhang, Nora Engel, et al.

Selected by Carly Guiltinan

The molecular architecture of cell cycle arrest

Wayne Stallaert, Sovanny R. Taylor, Katarzyna M. Kedziora, et al.

Selected by Anastasia Moraiti

Key roles for kinesin-13 and kinesin-20 in malaria parasite proliferation, polarity and transmission revealed by genome-wide functional analysis

Mohammad Zeeshan, Ravish Rashpa, David J Ferguson, et al.

Selected by Jessica Kehrer

A motor-based approach to induce chromosome-specific mis-segregations in human cells

My Anh Truong, Paula Cané-Gasull, Sippe G. de Vries, et al.


Inducing Specific chromosome Mis-Segregation in Human Cells

Laura Tovini, Sarah C. Johnson, Alexander M. Andersen, et al.

Selected by Jana Helsen, Dey Lab
