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Your search returned 48 results.

Arl13b regulates Sonic Hedgehog signaling from outside primary cilia

Eduardo D. Gigante, Megan R. Taylor, Anna A. Ivanova, et al.

Selected by Alex Eve

Multi-scale spatial heterogeneity enhances particle clearance in airway ciliary arrays

Guillermina R. Ramirez-San Juan, Arnold J. T. M. Mathijssen, Mu He, et al.

Selected by Mariana De Niz

In vivo identification of GTPase interactors by mitochondrial relocalization and proximity biotinylation

Sean Munro, Alison K Gillingham, Jessie Bertram, et al.

Selected by David Stephens

Super-resolution Molecular Map of Basal Foot Reveals Novel Cilium in Airway Multiciliated Cells

Quynh Nguyen, Zhen Liu, Rashmi Nanjundappa, et al.

Selected by Robert Mahen

Suppressor of Fused controls perinatal expansion and quiescence of future dentate adult neural stem cells

Hirofumi Noguchi, Jesse Garcia Castillo, Kinichi Nakashima, et al.

Selected by Ekaterina Dvorianinova

Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals novel cell differentiation dynamics during human airway epithelium regeneration

Sandra Ruiz Garcia, Marie Deprez, Kevin Lebrigand, et al.

Selected by Rob Hynds

Revealing the nanoscale morphology of the primary cilium using super-resolution fluorescence microscopy

Joshua Yoon, Colin J. Comerci, Lucien E. Weiss, et al.

Selected by Dey Lab

An atlas of the aging lung mapped by single cell transcriptomics and deep tissue proteomics

Ilias Angelidis, Lukas M Simon, Isis E Fernandez, et al.

Selected by Rob Hynds

Using a robotic fish to investigate individual differences in social responsiveness in the guppy

David Bierbach, Tim Landgraf, Pawel Romanczuk, et al.

Selected by Rasmus Ern

Transcription factor TAp73 and miRNA-449 cooperate in multiciliogenesis

Merit Wildung, Tilman Uli Esser, Katie Baker Grausam, et al.

Selected by Daniel Grimes

Presence of midline cilia supersedes the expression of Lefty1 in forming the midline barrier during the establishment of left-right asymmetry

Natalia A Shylo, Dylan A Ramrattan, Scott D Weatherbee

Selected by Hannah Brunsdon

Individual- and population-level drivers of consistent foraging success across environments

Lysanne Snijders, Ralf HJM Kurvers, Stefan Krause, et al.

Selected by Rasmus Ern