
Search results

Your search returned 52 results.

Using a robotic fish to investigate individual differences in social responsiveness in the guppy

David Bierbach, Tim Landgraf, Pawel Romanczuk, et al.

Selected by 26 June 2018

Rasmus Ern

Animal Behavior and Cognition

Transcription factor TAp73 and miRNA-449 cooperate in multiciliogenesis

Merit Wildung, Tilman Uli Esser, Katie Baker Grausam, et al.

Selected by 13 June 2018

Daniel Grimes

Presence of midline cilia supersedes the expression of Lefty1 in forming the midline barrier during the establishment of left-right asymmetry

Natalia A Shylo, Dylan A Ramrattan, Scott D Weatherbee

Selected by 08 June 2018

Hannah Brunsdon

Developmental Biology

Individual- and population-level drivers of consistent foraging success across environments

Lysanne Snijders, Ralf HJM Kurvers, Stefan Krause, et al.

Selected by 17 March 2018

Rasmus Ern

Animal Behavior and Cognition