
Search results

Your search returned 28 results.

Oncogenic signaling alters cell shape and mechanics to facilitate cell division under confinement

Helen K. Matthews, Sushila Ganguli, Katarzyna Plak, et al.

Selected by 01 May 2019

Ankita Jha

Cancer Biology

Planar differential growth rates determine the position of folds in complex epithelia

Melda Tozluoğlu, Maria Duda, Natalie J Kirkland, et al.


Buckling of epithelium growing under spherical confinement

Anastasiya Trushko, Ilaria Di Meglio, Aziza Merzouki, et al.

Selected by 23 February 2019

Sundar Naganathan


Embryo geometry drives formation of robust signaling gradients through receptor localization

Zhechun Zhang, Steven Zwick, Ethan Loew, et al.

Selected by 03 January 2019

Paul Gerald L. Sanchez and Stefano Vianello

Developmental Biology

Nuclear envelope assembly defects link mitotic errors to chromothripsis

Shiwei Liu, Mijung Kwon, Mark Mannino, et al.

Selected by 14 March 2018

Dey Lab

Cell Biology