Modelling disease transmission from touchscreen user interfaces
Selected by
12 December 2020
Mariana De Niz

Sick Bats Stay Home Alone: Social distancing during the acute phase response in Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus)
Selected by
11 December 2020
Baheerathan Murugavel

Automated Detection and Diameter Estimation for Mouse Mesenteric Artery using Semantic Segmentation
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11 December 2020
Mariana De Niz

A zebrafish model for COVID-19 recapitulates olfactory and cardiovascular pathophysiologies caused by SARS-CoV-2
Selected by
04 December 2020
Mariana De Niz

Bromodomain Inhibition Blocks Inflammation-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction and SARS-CoV2 Infection in Pre-Clinical models
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27 November 2020
Alexander Ward, Osvaldo Contreras

Genetically-Modified Macrophages Accelerate Myelin Repair
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15 November 2020
Kristina Kuhbandner

Accelerated erythrocyte senescence causes dose-limiting anemia of antimalarial enolase inhibitors
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31 October 2020
Zhang-He Goh

Antifungal effects of PC945, a novel inhaled triazole, on Candida albicans-infected immunocompromised mice
Selected by
23 September 2020
Zhang-He Goh

Intraperitoneal oil application causes local inflammation with depletion of resident peritoneal macrophages
Selected by
12 September 2020
Oindrila Bhattacharjee

Decoding distinctive features of plasma extracellular vesicles in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Selected by
10 September 2020
Kristina Kuhbandner

Human skeletal muscle CD90+ fibro-adipogenic progenitors are associated with muscle degeneration in type 2 diabetic patients
Selected by
10 September 2020
Osvaldo Contreras, Nicolas Collao

Pharmacological Insights into Safety and Efficacy Determinants for the Development of Adenosine Receptor Biased Agonists in the Treatment of Heart Failure
Selected by
08 September 2020
Zhang-He Goh