
Search results

Your search returned 11 results.

The landscape of biomedical research

Rita González-Márquez, Luca Schmidt, Benjamin M. Schmidt, et al.


ChatGPT identifies gender disparities in scientific peer review

Jeroen P.H. Verharen

Selected by Reinier Prosee

Insights from a survey of mentorship experiences by graduate and postdoctoral researchers

Sarvenaz Sarabipour, Natalie M Niemi, Steven J Burgess, et al.

Selected by Chee Kiang Ewe et al.

Unclearing Microscopy

Ons M’Saad, Michael Shribak, Joerg Bewersdorf

Selected by Robert Mahen

All-optical visualization of specific molecules in the ultrastructural context of brain tissue

Ons M’Saad, Ravikiran Kasula, Ilona Kondratiuk, et al.

Selected by Nadja Hümpfer

Analysis of science journalism reveals gender and regional disparities in coverage

Natalie R. Davidson, Casey S. Greene

Selected by Helen Robertson

Tapping into non-english-language science for the conservation of global biodiversity

Tatsuya Amano, Violeta Berdejo Espinola, Alec P. Christie, et al.

Selected by Paul Gerald L. Sanchez and Stefano Vianello

Redundant mechanisms driven independently by RUNX1 and GATA2 for haematopoietic development

Erica Bresciani, Blake Carrington, Kai Yu, et al.

Selected by Tim Petzold

A systematic examination of preprint platforms for use in the medical and biomedical sciences setting

Jamie J Kirkham, Naomi Penfold, Fiona Murphy, et al.

Selected by Sejal Davla

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumenal indicators in Drosophila reveal effects of HSP-related mutations on ER calcium dynamics

Megan K Oliva, Juan José Perez-Moreno, Jillian O’Shaughnessy, et al.

Selected by Mónica Quiñones-Frías

Label-retention expansion microscopy

Xiaoyu Shi, Qi Li, Zhipeng Dai, et al.


Evaluation of direct grafting strategies in Expansion Microscopy

Gang Wen, Marisa Vanheusden, Aline Acke, et al.

Selected by Romain F. Laine

Drosophila kinesin-8 stabilises kinetochore-microtubule interaction

Tomoya Edzuka, Gohta Goshima

Selected by Ben Craske, Gaetan Dias Mirandela, Thibault Legal and Toni McHugh
