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Your search returned 14 results.

A revised single-cell transcriptomic atlas of Xenopus embryo reveals new differentiation dynamics

Kseniya Petrova, Maksym Tretiakov, Aleksandr Kotov, et al.

Selected by Rachel Mckeown

Notch is Required for Neural Progenitor Proliferation During Embryonic Eye Regrowth

Dylan J. Guerin, Belen Gutierrez, Baoyi Zhang, et al.

Selected by Mina Basily

Systematic reconstruction of the cellular trajectories of mammalian embryogenesis

Chengxiang Qiu, Junyue Cao, Tony Li, et al.

Selected by Bobby Ranjan

Ecological basis and genetic architecture of crypsis polymorphism in the desert clicker grasshopper (Ligurotettix coquilletti)

Timothy K. O’Connor, Marissa C. Sandoval, Jiarui Wang, et al.

Selected by Riddhi Deshmukh

Secreted inhibitors drive the loss of regeneration competence in Xenopus limbs

C. Aztekin, T. W. Hiscock, J. B. Gurdon, et al.

Selected by Meng Zhu

Hedgehog signaling is required for endomesodermal patterning and germ cell development in Nematostella vectensis

Cheng-Yi Chen, Sean A. McKinney, Lacey R. Ellington, et al.

Selected by Paul Gerald L. Sanchez and Stefano Vianello

The spindle assembly checkpoint functions during early development in non-chordate embryos

Janet Chenevert, Marianne Roca, Lydia Besnardeau, et al.

Selected by Maiko Kitaoka

Establishment of the mayfly Cloeon dipterum as a new model system to investigate insect evolution

Isabel Almudi, Carlos Martin-Blanco, Isabel Maria Garcia-Fernandez, et al.

Selected by Ivan Candido-Ferreira

The Spatio-Temporal Control of Zygotic Genome Activation

George Gentsch, Nick D. L. Owens, James C. Smith

Selected by Meng Zhu

Actomyosin-driven tension at compartmental boundaries orients cell division independently of cell geometry in vivo

Elena Scarpa, Cedric Finet, Guy Blanchard, et al.

Selected by Ivana Viktorinová

Molecular recording of mammalian embryogenesis

Michelle Chan, Zachary D Smith, Stefanie Grosswendt, et al.

Selected by Hannah Brunsdon

A SoxB gene acts as an anterior gap gene and regulates posterior segment addition in the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum

Christian L. B. Paese, Anna Schoenauer, Daniel J. Leite, et al.

Selected by Erik Clark
