Chromosomal instability in human trophoblast stem cells and placentas
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31 December 2024
Carly Guiltinan

Spastin locally amplifies microtubule dynamics to pattern the axon for presynaptic cargo delivery
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04 December 2023
Matthew Davies

Humoral and T-cell-mediated responses to a pre-clinical Zika vaccine candidate that utilizes a unique insect-specific flavivirus platform
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24 March 2023
Lucy Bowden

Stem cell-derived mouse embryos develop within an extra-embryonic yolk sac to form anterior brain regions and a beating heart
Mouse-embryo model derived exclusively from embryonic stem cells undergo neurulation and heart development
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05 September 2022
Monica Tambalo et al.

Plakoglobin is a mechanoresponsive regulator of naïve pluripotency
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23 May 2022
Ilaria Di Meglio

Novel insights in the pathophysiology of α-synuclein dysregulation on D2 receptor activity contributing to the vulnerability of dopamine neurons
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26 May 2021
Emma Wilson

Microglia become hypofunctional and release metalloproteases and tau seeds after phagocytosing live neurons with P301S tau aggregates
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11 March 2021
Kristina Kuhbandner

Antibody repertoire and gene expression dynamics of diverse human B cell states during affinity maturation
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16 June 2020
Connor Rosen

Primate naïve pluripotent stem cells stall in the G1 phase of the cell cycle and differentiate prematurely during embryo colonization
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04 June 2020
Pierre Osteil

Trophectoderm Potency is Retained Exclusively in human Naïve Cells
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01 March 2020
Sergio Menchero

Genetically regulated human NODAL splice variants are differentially post-transcriptionally processed and functionally distinct
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03 April 2018
Pierre Osteil