
Search results

Your search returned 197 results.

Local thermal environment and warming influence supercooling and drive widespread shifts in the metabolome of diapausing Pieris rapae butterflies

Emily E. Mikucki, Brent L. Lockwood

Selected by Fouzia Haider

Discovery and visualization of uncharacterized drug-protein adducts using mass spectrometry

Michael Riffle, Michael R. Hoopmann, Daniel Jaschob, et al.

Selected by Zhang-He Goh

Citation needed? Wikipedia and the COVID-19 pandemic

Omer Benjakob, Rona Aviram, Jonathan Sobel

Selected by Emma Wilson, Jonny Coates

Mechanosensitivity of amoeboid cells crawling in 3D

Florian Gaertner, Patricia Reis-Rodrigues, Ingrid de Vries, et al.

Selected by Jessica L. Teo

Impact of Changed Use of Greenspace during COVID-19 Pandemic on Depression and Anxiety

Seulkee Heo , Miraj Desai, Sarah R. Lowe, et al.

Selected by Thomas Neil

Tapping into non-English-language science for the conservation of global biodiversity

Tatsuya Amano, Violeta Berdejo Espinola, Alec P. Christie, et al.

Selected by Paul Gerald L. Sanchez and Stefano Vianello

Overdominant mutations restrict the adaptive loss of heterozygosity at linked loci

Kaitlin J. Fisher, Ryan C. Vignogna, Gregory I. Lang

Selected by Mariana Natalino

Ecological basis and genetic architecture of crypsis polymorphism in the desert clicker grasshopper (Ligurotettix coquilletti)

Timothy K. O’Connor, Marissa C. Sandoval, Jiarui Wang, et al.

Selected by Riddhi Deshmukh

Acorde: unraveling functionally-interpretable networks of isoform co-usage from single cell data

Angeles Arzalluz-Luque, Pedro Salguero, Sonia Tarazona, et al.

Selected by Bobby Ranjan

Behavioural stress feedback loops in benthic invertebrates caused by pH drop-induced metabolites

Lauric Feugere, Lauren Angell, James Fagents, et al.

Selected by Fouzia Haider

Integration of Protein Interactome Networks with Congenital Heart Disease Variants Reveals Candidate Disease Genes

Barbara Gonzalez-Teran, Maureen Pittman, Franco Felix, et al.

Selected by Alexander Ward

A “spindle and thread”-mechanism unblocks translation of N-terminally disordered proteins

Margit Kaldmäe, Thibault Vosselman, Xueying Zhong, et al.

Selected by Utrecht Protein Folding and Assembly