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Your search returned 51 results.

Adding carbon fiber to shoe soles does not improve running economy: a muscle-level explanation

Owen N. Beck, Pawel R. Golyski, Gregory S. Sawicki

Selected by Jonaz Moreno

Ultrasound Imaging Links Soleus Muscle Neuromechanics and energetics during human Walking with Elastic Ankle Exoskeletons

R.W. Nuckols, T.J.M Dick, O.N. Beck, et al.

Selected by Jonaz Moreno

Dissection of the Fgf8 regulatory landscape by in vivo CRISPR-editing reveals extensive inter- and intra-enhancer redundancy

A. Hörnblad, K. Langenfeld, S. Bastide, et al.

Selected by Clarice Hong

A novel weight lifting task for investigating effort and persistence in rats

Blake Porter, Kristin L. Hillman

Selected by Craig Bertram

Small molecules for modulating protein driven liquid-liquid phase separation in treating neurodegenerative disease

Richard J. Wheeler, Hyun O. Lee, Ina Poser, et al.

Selected by Madhuja Samaddar

A conserved regulatory program drives emergence of the lateral plate mesoderm

Karin D. Prummel, Christopher Hess, Susan Nieuwenhuize, et al.

Selected by Meng Zhu

Developmentally regulated Shh expression is robust to TAD perturbations

Iain Williamson, Lauren Kane, Paul S. Devenney, et al.

Selected by Jesus Victorino

Preformed Chromatin Topology Assists Transcriptional Robustness of Shh during limb Development

Christina Paliou, Philine Guckelberger, Robert Schöpflin, et al.

Selected by Rafael Galupa

In vivo glucose imaging in multiple model organisms with an engineered single-wavelength sensor

Jacob P. Keller, Jonathan S. Marvin, Haluk Lacin, et al.

Selected by Stephan Daetwyler

Crowdfunded whole-genome sequencing of the celebrity cat Lil BUB identifies causal mutations for her osteopetrosis and polydactyly

Mike Bridavsky, Heiner Kuhl, Arthur Woodruf, et al.

Selected by Jesus Victorino, Gabriel Aughey

Establishment of the mayfly Cloeon dipterum as a new model system to investigate insect evolution

Isabel Almudi, Carlos Martin-Blanco, Isabel Maria Garcia-Fernandez, et al.

Selected by Ivan Candido-Ferreira

Defining the design requirements for an assistive powered hand exoskeleton

Quinn A Boser, Michael R Dawson, Jonathon S Schofield, et al.

Selected by Joanna Cross