
Search results

Your search returned 233 results.

Expressive modeling and fast simulation for dynamic compartments

Till Köster, Philipp Henning, Tom Warnke, et al.

Selected by Benjamin Dominik Maier

Temporal constraints on enhancer usage shape the regulation of limb gene transcription

Raquel Rouco, Antonella Rauseo, Guillaume Sapin, et al.

Selected by María Mariner-Faulí

Transcriptional profiling of human brain cortex identifies novel lncRNA-mediated networks dysregulated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Alessandro Palma, Monica Ballarino

Selected by Julio Molina Pineda

A long non-coding RNA at the cortex locus controls adaptive colouration in butterflies

Luca Livraghi, Joseph J. Hanly, Elizabeth Evans, et al.


The ivory lncRNA regulates seasonal color patterns in buckeye butterflies

Richard A. Fandino, Noah K. Brady, Martik Chatterjee, et al.


A micro-RNA drives a 100-million-year adaptive evolution of melanic patterns in butterflies and moths

Shen Tian, Tirtha Das Banerjee, Jocelyn Liang Qi Wee, et al.

Selected by Isabella Cisneros

Holimap: an accurate and efficient method for solving stochastic gene network dynamics

Chen Jia, Ramon Grima

Selected by Benjamin Dominik Maier

Notch is Required for Neural Progenitor Proliferation During Embryonic Eye Regrowth

Dylan J. Guerin, Belen Gutierrez, Baoyi Zhang, et al.

Selected by Mina Basily

Learning a conserved mechanism for early neuroectoderm morphogenesis

Matthew Lefebvre, Jonathan Colen, Nikolas Claussen, et al.

Selected by Panagiotis Oikonomou

Experience-dependent plasticity of a highly specific olfactory circuit in Drosophila melanogaster

Benjamin Fabian, Veit Grabe, Rolf G. Beutel, et al.

Selected by T. W. Schwanitz

Modeling transcriptional profiles of gene perturbation with a deep neural network

Wenke Liu, Xuya Wang, D R Mani, et al.

Selected by Raquel Moya

Excitable Rho dynamics drive cell contractions by sequentially inducing ERM protein-mediated actin-membrane attachment and actomyosin contractility

Seph Marshall-Burghardt, Rodrigo A. Migueles-Ramírez, Qiyao Lin, et al.

Selected by Vibha SINGH

Nanos2+ cells give rise to germline and somatic lineages in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis

Andreas Denner, Julia Steger, Alexander Ries, et al.

Selected by Isabella Cisneros

Single-cell epigenomic reconstruction of developmental trajectories in human neural organoid systems from pluripotency

Fides Zenk, Jonas Simon Fleck, Sophie Martina Johanna Jansen, et al.

Selected by Manuel Lessi
