A cryo-ET study of microtubules in axons
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01 June 2021
Ashleigh Davey
Molecular resolution imaging by post-labeling expansion single-molecule localization microscopy (Ex-SMLM)
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15 April 2020
Romain F. Laine
Mitochondria-adaptor TRAK1 promotes kinesin-1 driven transport in crowded environments
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20 February 2020
Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan
Agrobacterium tumefaciens divisome proteins regulate the transition from polar growth to cell division
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20 September 2018
Hannah Behrens
Atomic model of microtubule-bound tau
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27 April 2018
Satish Bodakuntla
Lattice defects induce microtubule self-renewal
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15 February 2018
Satish Bodakuntla