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Your search returned 20 results.

Humoral and T-cell-mediated responses to a pre-clinical Zika vaccine candidate that utilizes a unique insect-specific flavivirus platform

Danielle L. Porier, Awadalkareem Adam, Lin Kang, et al.

Selected by Lucy Bowden

Intestinal lamina propria supports acquired eTreg suppressor function

Yisu Gu, Raquel Bartolomé-Casado, Chuan Xu, et al.

Selected by Marina Schernthanner

Microbiota colonization tunes the antigen threshold of microbiota-specific T cell activation in the gut

Daniel Hoces, Basak Corak, Anna Estrada Brull, et al.

Selected by Hervé Besançon

Transgenerational Regulation of Sexual Attractiveness in C. elegans Nematodes

Itai Antoine Toker, Itamar Lev, Yael Mor, et al.

Selected by Yasmin Lau

PLCγ1 promotes phase separation of the T cell signaling clusters

Longhui Zeng, Ivan Palaia, Anđela Šarić, et al.

Selected by Sruthi S Balakrishnan

Severe immunodeficiency in mice lacking DNA repair factors XLF and Mri

Sergio Castañeda-Zegarra, Qindong Zhang, Amin Alirezaylavasani, et al.

Selected by Jennifer Ann Black

T cell receptor is required for differentiation but not maintenance of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes

Angelina M. Bilate, Mariya London, Tiago B. R. Castro, et al.

Selected by Pedro Papotto

Comparative analyses of two primate species diverged by more than 60 million years show different rates but similar distribution of genome-wide UV repair events

Umit Akkose, Ogulcan Kaya, Laura Lindsey-Boltz, et al.

Selected by Kerryn Elliott

KDM6B-dependent chromatin remodelling underpins effective virus-specific CD8+ T cell differentiation

Jasmine Li, Kristine Hardy, Moshe Olshansky, et al.

Selected by Jonny Coates

ROS production by localized SCHENGEN receptor module drives lignification at subcellular precision

Satoshi Fujita, Damien De Bellis, Kai H. Edel, et al.

Selected by Marc Somssich

Co-Stimulation–Induced AP-1 Activity is Required for Chromatin Opening During T Cell Activation

Masashi Yukawa, Sajjeev Jagannathan, Andrey V. Kartashov, et al.

Selected by Jonny Coates

Integrated Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Profiling Reveals Novel Activation-Induced Metabolic Networks in Human T cells

S. Hiemer, S. Jatav, J. Jussif, et al.

Selected by Jonny Coates