Nuclear stiffness decreases with disruption of the extracellular matrix in living tissues
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02 December 2020
Mariana De Niz
Integer topological defects organize stresses driving tissue morphogenesis
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27 August 2020
Yamini Ravichandran, Giulia Paci
Viscoelastic relaxation of collagen networks provides a self-generated directional cue during collective migration
Selected by
26 August 2020
Mariana De Niz
Large-scale curvature sensing by epithelial monolayers depends on active cell mechanics and nuclear mechanoadaptation
Selected by
10 August 2020
Grace Lim, Ilaria Di Meglio
Apico-basal cell compression regulates Lamin A/C levels in Epithelial tissues
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05 August 2020
Ilaria Di Meglio
A Single-Objective Light-Sheet Microscope with 200 nm-Scale Resolution.
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27 May 2020
Tim Fessenden
The mitotic protein NuMA plays a spindle-independent role in nuclear formation and mechanics
NuMA interaction with chromatin is vital for proper nuclear architecture in human cells
Selected by
11 May 2020
Dey Lab
A synthetic mechanogenetic gene circuit for autonomous drug delivery in engineered tissues
Selected by
06 May 2020
Zhang-He Goh
Constricted migration contributes to persistent 3D genome structure changes associated with an invasive phenotype in melanoma cells
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02 April 2020
Mariana De Niz
Antigenic variation by switching inter-chromosomal interactions with an RNA splicing locus in trypanosomes
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20 February 2020
Mariana De Niz
The nucleus acts as a ruler tailoring cell responses to spatial constraints
The nucleus measures shape deformation for cellular proprioception and regulates adaptive morphodynamics
Selected by
04 February 2020
Nicola Stevenson
Mechanotransduction of strain regulates an invasive phenotype in newly transformed epithelial cells
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17 October 2019
William Hill