
Search results

Your search returned 203 results.

Inter-organ growth coordination is mediated by the Xrp1/Dilp8 axis in Drosophila

Laura Boulan, Ditte Andersen, Julien Colombani, et al.

Selected by Alberto Rosello-Diez

Integrated NMR and cryo-EM atomic-resolution structure determination of a half-megadalton enzyme complex

Diego Gauto, Leandro Estrozi, Charles Schwieters, et al.

Selected by Reid Alderson

Basal extrusion drives cell invasion and mechanical stripping of E-cadherin

John Fadul, Gloria M Slattum, Nadja M Redd, et al.

Selected by William Hill

Suppressor of Fused controls perinatal expansion and quiescence of future dentate adult neural stem cells

Hirofumi Noguchi, Jesse Garcia Castillo, Kinichi Nakashima, et al.

Selected by Ekaterina Dvorianinova

A non-canonical arm of uprER mediates longevity through ER remodeling and lipophagy.

Joseph R Daniele, Ryo Higuchi-Sanabria, Vidhya Ramachandran, et al.

Selected by Sandra Malmgren Hill

Old fibroblasts secrete inflammatory cytokines that drive variability in reprogramming efficiency and may affect wound healing between old individuals

Salah Mahmoudi, Elena Mancini, Alessandra Moore, et al.

Selected by Shikha Nayar

Single cell transcriptomics reveals spatial and temporal dynamics of gene expression in the developing mouse spinal cord

Julien Delile, Teresa Rayon, Manuela Melchionda, et al.

Selected by Reena Lasrado

Refolding activity of bacterial Hsp90 in vivo reveals ancient chaperoning function

Tania Moran Luengo, Toveann Ahlnas, Anna T. Hoekstra, et al.

Selected by Tessa Sinnige

Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals novel cell differentiation dynamics during human airway epithelium regeneration

Sandra Ruiz Garcia, Marie Deprez, Kevin Lebrigand, et al.

Selected by Rob Hynds

Actomyosin-driven tension at compartmental boundaries orients cell division independently of cell geometry in vivo

Elena Scarpa, Cedric Finet, Guy Blanchard, et al.

Selected by Ivana Viktorinová

Evidence for an Integrated Gene Repression Mechanism based on mRNA Isoform Toggling in Human Cells

Ina Hollerer, Juliet C Barker, Victoria Jorgensen, et al.

Selected by Clarice Hong

Signaling dynamics control cell fate in the early Drosophila embryo

Heath E Johnson, Stanislav Y Shvartsman, Jared E Toettcher

Selected by Yara E. Sánchez Corrales
