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Your search returned 251 results.

Temporal constraints on enhancer usage shape the regulation of limb gene transcription

Raquel Rouco, Antonella Rauseo, Guillaume Sapin, et al.

Selected by María Mariner-Faulí

Clusters of lineage-specific genes are anchored by ZNF274 in repressive perinucleolar compartments

Martina Begnis, Julien Duc, Sandra Offner, et al.

Selected by Silvia Carvalho

Unlocking the secrets of kangaroo locomotor energetics: Postural adaptations underpin increased tendon stress in hopping kangaroos

Lauren H. Thornton, Taylor J.M. Dick, John R. Hutchinson, et al.

Selected by EMB EMB_Liv et al.

Elasto-Plastic Transition in Epithelial Folding

Aki Teranishi, Misato Mori, Rihoko Ichiki, et al.

Selected by Teodora Piskova

Scalable and efficient generation of mouse primordial germ cell-like cells

Xinbao Ding, Liangdao Li, Jingyi Gao, et al.

Selected by Carly Guiltinan

Generalized Biomolecular Modeling and Design with RoseTTAFold All-Atom

Rohith Krishna, Jue Wang, Woody Ahern, et al.

Selected by Saanjbati Adhikari

Volumetric Compression Shifts Rho GTPase Balance and Induces Mechanobiological Cell State Transition

Xiangyu Gong, Ryan Nguyen, Zehua Chen, et al.

Selected by Vibha SINGH

Single-cell epigenomic reconstruction of developmental trajectories in human neural organoid systems from pluripotency

Fides Zenk, Jonas Simon Fleck, Sophie Martina Johanna Jansen, et al.

Selected by Manuel Lessi

2D and 3d multiplexed subcellular profiling of nuclear instability in human cancer

Shannon Coy, Brian Cheng, Jong Suk Lee, et al.

Selected by Jade Chan

Hibernating ribosomes tether to mitochondria as an adaptive response to cellular stress during glucose depletion

Olivier Gemin, Maciej Gluc, Michael Purdy, et al.

Selected by Barbora Knotkova

An oncogenic isoform of septin 9 promotes the formation of juxtanuclear invadopodia by reducing nuclear deformability

Joshua Okletey, Dimitrios Angelis, Tia M. Jones, et al.

Selected by Megane Rayer

Generating human neural diversity with a multiplexed morphogen screen in organoids

Neal D. Amin, Kevin W. Kelley, Jin Hao, et al.

Selected by Monica Tambalo
