
Search results

Your search returned 30 results.

Optogenetic control of apical constriction induces synthetic morphogenesis in mammalian tissues

Guillermo Martínez-Ara, Núria Taberner, Mami Takayama, et al.

Selected by 08 July 2021

Monica Tambalo

Developmental Biology

Temporal changes in plasma membrane lipid content induce endocytosis to regulate developmental epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition

Michael L. Piacentino, Erica J. Hutchins, Cecelia J. Andrews, et al.

Selected by 15 December 2020

Glò Casas Gimeno

neural plate targeting by in utero nanoinjection (NEPTUNE) reveals a role for Sptbn2 in neurulation and abdominal wall closure

Katrin Mangold, Jan Mašek, Jingyan He, et al.

Selected by 24 June 2020

Martin Estermann


Functional MRI of large scale activity in behaving mice

Madalena S. Fonseca, Mattia G. Bergomi, Zachary F. Mainen, et al.

Selected by 18 May 2020

Mariana De Niz

Animal Behavior and Cognition

Early neurulation recapitulated in assemblies of embryonic and extraembryonic cells

Noémie M. L. P. Bérenger-Currias, Maria Mircea, Esmée Adegeest, et al.

Selected by 24 April 2020

Monica Tambalo

Developmental Biology

Mouse embryonic stem cells self-organize into trunk-like structures with neural tube and somites

Jesse V Veenvliet, Adriano Bolondi, Helene Kretzmer, et al.

Selected by 19 April 2020

Martin Estermann

Developmental Biology

Opposing influence of top-down and bottom-up input on different types of excitatory layer 2/3 neurons in mouse visual cortex

Rebecca Jordan, Georg Keller

Selected by 07 April 2020

Mahesh Karnani


Mouse embryonic stem cells self-organize into trunk-like structures with neural tube and somites

Jesse V Veenvliet, Adriano Bolondi, Helene Kretzmer, et al.

Selected by 25 March 2020

Alok Javali

Developmental Biology

Species-specific developmental timing is associated with global differences in protein stability in mouse and human

Teresa Rayon, Despina Stamataki, Ruben Perez-Carrasco, et al.

Selected by 16 January 2020

Irepan Salvador-Martinez

Developmental Biology

Arl13b regulates Sonic Hedgehog signaling from outside primary cilia

Eduardo D. Gigante, Megan R. Taylor, Anna A. Ivanova, et al.

Selected by 15 August 2019

Alex Eve

Developmental Biology

Octopi: Open configurable high-throughput imaging platform for infectious disease diagnosis in the field

Hongquan Li, Hazel Soto-Montoya, Maxime Voisin, et al.

Selected by 12 August 2019

Mariana De Niz


A conserved regulatory program drives emergence of the lateral plate mesoderm

Karin D. Prummel, Christopher Hess, Susan Nieuwenhuize, et al.

Selected by 06 June 2019

Meng Zhu

Developmental Biology