Angiocrine IGFBP3 Spatially Coordinates IGF Signaling During Neonatal Cardiac Regeneration
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07 January 2022
Laura Alonso-Herranz
Using polyacrylamide hydrogels to model physiological aortic stiffness reveals that microtubules are critical regulators of isolated smooth muscle cell morphology and contractility
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29 December 2021
Laura Alonso-Herranz
Epicardial HDAC3 promotes myocardial growth through a novel microRNA pathway
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14 October 2021
Anna Meier
Three-axis classification of mouse lung mesenchymal cells reveals two populations of myofibroblasts
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08 September 2021
Sagar Varankar
Extracellular mechanical forces drive endocardial cell volume decrease during cardiac valve morphogenesis
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25 August 2021
Julia Grzymkowski
After traumatic brain injury oligodendrocytes regain a plastic phenotype and can become astrocytes
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06 August 2021
Ranabir Chakraborty
Semaphorin3f as an intrinsic regulator of chamber-specific heart development
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30 July 2021
Yen Tran
Astrocyte plasticity ensures continued endfoot coverage of cerebral blood vessels and integrity of the blood brain barrier, with plasticity declining with normal aging
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20 July 2021
Ranabir Chakraborty
Single-cell transcriptome analysis of embryonic and adult endothelial cells allows to rank the hemogenic potential of post-natal endothelium
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15 July 2021
Bobby Ranjan
Coronary blood vessels from distinct origins converge to equivalent states during mouse and human development
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04 June 2021
Yen Tran, Osvaldo Contreras
Gastruloids as in vitro models of embryonic blood development with spatial and temporal resolution
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19 May 2021
Anna Meier
Resident Cardiac Macrophages Mediate Adaptive Myocardial Remodeling
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30 April 2021
Laura Alonso-Herranz