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Your search returned 11 results.

G6b-B antibody-based cis-acting platelet receptor inhibitors (CAPRIs) as a new family of anti-thrombotic therapeutics

Alexandra Mazharian, Ophélie Bertin, Amrita Sarkar, et al.

Selected by 03 June 2024

Simon Cleary

Pharmacology and Toxicology

Interspecies blastocyst complementation generates functional rat cell-derived forebrain tissues in mice

Jia Huang, Bingbing He, Xiali Yang, et al.

Selected by 21 May 2023

Martin Estermann


ProteasomeID: quantitative mapping of proteasome interactomes and substrates for in vitro and in vivo studies

Aleksandar Bartolome, Julia C. Heiby, Therese Dau, et al.

Selected by 01 May 2023

Aniruddha Das


Primary sex determination in chickens depends on DMRT1 dosage, but gonadal sex does not determine secondary sexual characteristics in adult birds

Jason Ioannidis, Gunes Taylor, Debiao Zhao, et al.

Selected by 14 October 2020

Martin Estermann

Developmental Biology

Primate naïve pluripotent stem cells stall in the G1 phase of the cell cycle and differentiate prematurely during embryo colonization

Irène Aksoy, Cloé Rognard, Anaïs Moulin, et al.

Selected by 04 June 2020

Pierre Osteil

Developmental Biology

Genetic Developmental Timing Revealed by Inter-Species Transplantations in Fish

Jana Franziska Fuhrmann, Lorena Buono, Juan Ramón Martinez Morales, et al.

Selected by 06 May 2020

Martin Estermann

Developmental Biology

Defining totipotency using criteria of increasing stringency

Eszter Posfai, John Paul Schell, Adrian Janiszewski, et al.

Selected by 16 March 2020

Teresa Rayon

Developmental Biology

The WD and linker domains of ATG16L1 required for non-canonical autophagy limit lethal influenza A virus infection at epithelial surfaces

Yingxue Wang, Weijiao Zhang, Matthew Jefferson, et al.

Selected by 09 March 2020

Kirsty Hooper

Cell Biology

Growth factor-mediated coupling between lineage size and cell fate choice underlies robustness of mammalian development

Néstor Saiz, Laura Mora-Bitria, Shahadat Rahman, et al.

Selected by 19 January 2020

Pierre Osteil, Irepan Salvador-Martinez

Developmental Biology

Origin and microenvironment contribute to the sexually dimorphic phenotype and function of peritoneal macrophages

Calum C. Bain, Douglas A. Gibson, Nicholas Steers, et al.

Selected by 03 December 2019

Connor Rosen


Epiblast formation by Tead-Yap-dependent expression of pluripotency factors and competitive elimination of unspecified cells

Masakazu Hashimoto, Hiroshi Sasaki

Selected by 29 November 2018

Sarah Bowling, Teresa Rayon

Developmental Biology