Bacteriophage cooperation suppresses CRISPR-Cas3 and Cas9 immunity
Anti-CRISPR phages cooperate to overcome CRISPR-Cas immunity
Selected by
10 April 2018
Fillip Port

Small differences in learning speed for different food qualities can drive efficient collective foraging in ant colonies
Selected by
10 April 2018
James Foster

Temporal Control of Transcription by Zelda in living Drosophila embryos
Selected by
09 April 2018
Teresa Rayon

Marionette: E. coli containing 12 highly-optimized small molecule sensors
Selected by
05 April 2018
Ellis O'Neill
An atlas of silencer elements for the human and mouse genomes
Selected by
04 April 2018
Rafael Galupa

Genetically regulated human NODAL splice variants are differentially post-transcriptionally processed and functionally distinct
Selected by
03 April 2018
Pierre Osteil

Higher-Order Organization Principles of Pre-translational mRNPs
Selected by
02 April 2018
Carmen Adriaens

Capturing the onset of PRC2-mediated repressive domain formation
Selected by
31 March 2018
Boyan Bonev

RNA-directed activation of cytoplasmic dynein-1 in reconstituted transport RNPs
Recruitment of Two Dyneins to an mRNA-Dependent Bicaudal D Transport Complex
Selected by
27 March 2018
Dmitry Nashchekin

Dynamic Kinetochore Size Regulation Promotes Microtubule Capture And Chromosome Biorientation In Mitosis
Self-assembly of the RZZ complex into filaments drives kinetochore expansion in the absence of microtubule attachment
Selected by
26 March 2018
Dey Lab

Long-range Notch-mediated tissue patterning requires actomyosin contractility
Selected by
25 March 2018
Yara E. Sánchez Corrales

PIN7 auxin carrier is a terminator of radial root expansion in Arabidopsis thaliana
PILS6 is a temperature-sensitive regulator of nuclear auxin input and organ growth in Arabidopsis thaliana
Selected by
23 March 2018
Erin Sparks