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Your search returned 93 results.

TAK1 operates at the primary cilium in non-canonical TGFB/BMP signaling to control heart development

Canan Doganli, Daniel A. Baird, Yeasmeen Ali, et al.

Selected by 16 August 2024

Reinier Prosee

Developmental Biology

Membrane Curvature Promotes ER-PM Contact Formation via Junctophilin-EHD Interactions

Yang Yang, Luis A. Valencia, Chih-Hao Lu, et al.

Selected by 07 August 2024

Barbora Knotkova

Cell Biology

Modular control of time and space during vertebrate axis segmentation

Ali Seleit, Ian Brettell, Tomas Fitzgerald, et al.


Natural genetic variation quantitatively regulates heart rate and dimension

Jakob Gierten, Bettina Welz, Tomas Fitzgerald, et al.

Selected by 24 June 2024

Girish Kale, Jennifer Ann Black

Developmental Biology

Notch3 is a genetic modifier of NODAL signalling for patterning asymmetry during mouse heart looping

Tobias Holm Bønnelykke, Marie-Amandine Chabry, Emeline Perthame, et al.

Selected by 06 June 2024

Bhaval Parmar

Developmental Biology

How the liver contributes to stomach warming in the endothermic white shark Carcharodon carcharias

David C. Bernvi, Geremy Cliff

Selected by 22 April 2024

Sarah Young-Veenstra


Lens Placode Modulates Extracellular Matrix Formation During Early Eye Development

Cecília G. De Magalhães, Ales Cvekl, Ruy G. Jaeger, et al.

Selected by 28 February 2024

Bhaval Parmar

Developmental Biology

Invasion of glioma cells through confined space requires membrane tension regulation and mechano-electrical coupling via Plexin-B2

Chrystian Junqueira Alves, Theodore Hannah, Sita Sadia, et al.

Selected by 13 February 2024

Jade Chan

Cancer Biology

Torpor energetics are related to the interaction between body mass and climate in bats of the family Vespertilionidae

Jorge Ayala-Berdon, Kevin I. Medina-Bello

Selected by 07 December 2023

Sarah Young-Veenstra


Hypoxia blunts angiogenic signaling and upregulates the antioxidant system in elephant seal endothelial cells

Kaitlin N Allen, Julia María Torres-Velarde, Juan Manuel Vazquez, et al.

Selected by 13 September 2023

Sarah Young-Veenstra


Mitochondrial citrate carrier SLC25A1 is a dosage-dependent regulator of metabolic reprogramming and morphogenesis in the developing heart

Chiemela Ohanele, Jessica N. Peoples, Anja Karlstaedt, et al.

Selected by 12 July 2023

Chee Kiang Ewe, Preethi Krishnaraj

Developmental Biology

Interspecies blastocyst complementation generates functional rat cell-derived forebrain tissues in mice

Jia Huang, Bingbing He, Xiali Yang, et al.

Selected by 21 May 2023

Martin Estermann


SQ3370, the first clinical click chemistry-activated cancer therapeutic, shows safety in humans and translatability across species

Sangeetha Srinivasan, Nathan A. Yee, Michael Zakharian, et al.

Selected by 06 May 2023

Zhang-He Goh

Pharmacology and Toxicology