
preLighters paper on preprints published in PLOS Biology

3 February 2022

preLighters Gautam Day and Jonny Coates, together with previous preLights Community Manager Mate Palfy, have authored a paper published this week in PLOS Biology. ‘Tracking changes between preprint posting and journal publication during a pandemic’ was previously published as a preprint on bioRxiv.

In the study, Brierly et al. investigate preprints posted on bioRxiv and medRxiv that were subsequently published in a journal during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using various analyses, they quantify how much papers change between their preprinted and published versions, and find very few changes to either figures or abstracts between preprinting and publishing in a journal.

You can also read a summary of their work in The Times Higher Education.


Figure taken from the preprinted version of the manuscript

