preLights is now live
21 February 2018
We were delighted to publicly launch preLights on the afternoon of February 20th.
preLights is the new preprint highlights service run by the community and supported by The Company of Biologists. Our dedicated team of over 80 selectors will keep posting new highlights regularly. By registering on the site, you can tell us your specific interests to get the most out of the website and the alerts. New posts will also be highlighted on our Twitter and Facebook channels. You can also join the discussion by commenting directly on the posts.
We’d also love to know what readers think about the site: use our contact page to share your views.
Many thanks indeed to our team of preprint selectors – we could not have launched without their hard work over the last few weeks. We also can’t wait to see more of their highlights soon!
Finally, some numbers:
The number of site visitors on our first day
Our current number of Twitter followers
preLighters already registered on the site (more to come!)
Published highlights so far