
Justin Gutkowski


I am currently an IRTA Postbaccalaureate Fellow at the NICHD Section on Vertebrate Organogenesis studying the development of gas exchange systems using Zebrafish Gills as a model. I earned my B.S. in biological sciences with a concentration in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology and Minors in biotechnology and genetics from North Carolina State University. During my undergraduate studies, I also gained research experience in labs focused on biochemistry, genetics, toxicology, stem cell biology, and developmental biology. My personal interests are in developmental biology, stem cell biology, and reproductive biology. I am interested in how different cell and tissue types specify in developing organisms and give rise to the complexity we observe in adult forms. My long-term goal is to have my own lab to study these processes.

Justin Gutkowski has added 1 preLight post

Germplasm stability in zebrafish requires maternal Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c

Alessandro Consorte, Yasmin El Sherif, Fridolin Kielisch, et al.

Selected by 13 December 2024

Justin Gutkowski

Developmental Biology

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