
Search results

Your search returned 100 results.

The role of ER exit sites in maintaining P-body organization and transmitting ER stress response during Drosophila melanogaster oogenesis

Samantha N. Milano, Livia V. Bayer, Julie J. Ko, et al.

Selected by 04 September 2024

Jonathan Townson

Cell Biology

Adult caudal fin shape is imprinted in the embryonic fin fold

Eric Surette, Joan Donahue, Stephanie Robinson, et al.

Selected by 28 August 2024

Isabella Cisneros

Developmental Biology

Notch3 is a genetic modifier of NODAL signalling for patterning asymmetry during mouse heart looping

Tobias Holm Bønnelykke, Marie-Amandine Chabry, Emeline Perthame, et al.

Selected by 06 June 2024

Bhaval Parmar

Developmental Biology

Temporal constraints on enhancer usage shape the regulation of limb gene transcription

Raquel Rouco, Antonella Rauseo, Guillaume Sapin, et al.

Selected by 17 April 2024

María Mariner-Faulí

Developmental Biology

A long non-coding RNA at the cortex locus controls adaptive colouration in butterflies

Luca Livraghi, Joseph J. Hanly, Elizabeth Evans, et al.


The ivory lncRNA regulates seasonal color patterns in buckeye butterflies

Richard A. Fandino, Noah K. Brady, Martik Chatterjee, et al.


A micro-RNA drives a 100-million-year adaptive evolution of melanic patterns in butterflies and moths

Shen Tian, Tirtha Das Banerjee, Jocelyn Liang Qi Wee, et al.

Selected by 05 April 2024

Isabella Cisneros

Developmental Biology

Learning a conserved mechanism for early neuroectoderm morphogenesis

Matthew Lefebvre, Jonathan Colen, Nikolas Claussen, et al.

Selected by 19 February 2024

Panagiotis Oikonomou


Patterned embryonic invagination evolved in response to mechanical instability

Bruno C. Vellutini, Marina B. Cuenca, Abhijeet Krishna, et al.


Divergent evolutionary strategies preempt tissue collision in fly gastrulation

Bipasha Dey, Verena Kaul, Girish Kale, et al.

Selected by 13 December 2023

Reinier Prosee et al.

Developmental Biology

Spastin locally amplifies microtubule dynamics to pattern the axon for presynaptic cargo delivery

Jayne Aiken, Erika L. F. Holzbaur

Selected by 04 December 2023

Matthew Davies

Cell Biology

The genome of the colonial hydroid Hydractinia reveals their stem cells utilize a toolkit of evolutionarily shared genes with all animals

Christine E. Schnitzler, E. Sally Chang, Justin Waletich, et al.

Selected by 19 September 2023

Isabella Cisneros

Developmental Biology

Generating human neural diversity with a multiplexed morphogen screen in organoids

Neal D. Amin, Kevin W. Kelley, Jin Hao, et al.

Selected by 20 July 2023

Monica Tambalo

Cell Biology

Molecular evidence of anteroposterior patterning in adult echinoderms

Laurent Formery , Paul Peluso , I. Kohnle , et al.

Selected by 03 May 2023

Rodrigo Senovilla-Ganzo


Maintenance of pluripotency in the entire ectoderm enables neural crest formation

Ceren Pajanoja, Jenny Hsin, Bradley Olinger, et al.

Selected by 20 April 2023

Andrew Montequin

Developmental Biology