
Search results

Your search returned 89 results.

Triglyceride metabolism controls inflammation and APOE4-associated disease states in microglia

Roxan A. Stephenson, Kory R. Johnson, Linling Cheng, et al.

Selected by 22 August 2024

Gustavo Stelzer, Marcus Oliveira


Sexually dimorphic role of diet and stress on behavior, energy metabolism, and the ventromedial hypothalamus

Sanutha Shetty, Samuel J. Duesman, Sanil Patel, et al.

Selected by 24 July 2024

Jimeng Li


Sci-comm “behind the scenes”: Gendered narratives of scientific outreach activities in the life sciences

Perry G. Beasley-Hall, Pam Papadelos, Anne Hewitt, et al.

Selected by 10 July 2024

Martin Estermann et al.

Scientific Communication and Education

Aspergillus dsRNA virus drives fungal fitness and pathogenicity in the mammalian host

Vanda Lerer, Marina Rocha, John Adeoye, et al.

Selected by 13 May 2024

UofA IMB565 et al.


A long non-coding RNA at the cortex locus controls adaptive colouration in butterflies

Luca Livraghi, Joseph J. Hanly, Elizabeth Evans, et al.


The ivory lncRNA regulates seasonal color patterns in buckeye butterflies

Richard A. Fandino, Noah K. Brady, Martik Chatterjee, et al.


A micro-RNA drives a 100-million-year adaptive evolution of melanic patterns in butterflies and moths

Shen Tian, Tirtha Das Banerjee, Jocelyn Liang Qi Wee, et al.

Selected by 05 April 2024

Isabella Cisneros

Developmental Biology

Scalable and efficient generation of mouse primordial germ cell-like cells

Xinbao Ding, Liangdao Li, Jingyi Gao, et al.

Selected by 05 March 2024

Carly Guiltinan

Cell Biology

Invasion of glioma cells through confined space requires membrane tension regulation and mechano-electrical coupling via Plexin-B2

Chrystian Junqueira Alves, Theodore Hannah, Sita Sadia, et al.

Selected by 13 February 2024

Jade Chan

Cancer Biology

Multimodal interactions in Stomoxys navigation reveals synergy between olfaction and vision

Merid N Getahun, Steve Baleba, John Ngiela, et al.

Selected by 06 February 2024

Maitri Manjunath

Animal Behavior and Cognition

Mixed Alkyl/Aryl Phosphonates Identify Metabolic Serine Hydrolases as Antimalarial Targets

John M. Bennett, Sunil K. Narwal, Stephanie Kabeche, et al.

Selected by 02 February 2024

Zhang-He Goh


Nanos2+ cells give rise to germline and somatic lineages in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis

Andreas Denner, Julia Steger, Alexander Ries, et al.

Selected by 30 January 2024

Isabella Cisneros

Developmental Biology

2D and 3D multiplexed subcellular profiling of nuclear instability in human cancer

Shannon Coy, Brian Cheng, Jong Suk Lee, et al.

Selected by 22 December 2023

Jade Chan

Cancer Biology

nad+ metabolism is a key modulator of bacterial respiratory epithelial infections

Björn Klabunde, André Wesener, Wilhelm Bertrams, et al.

Selected by 17 October 2023

Matheus Atella de Oliveira, Marcus Oliveira
