
Fly techniques

Preprints describing or showcasing new techniques for Drosophila genetics, molecular biology etc...

List by Gabriel Aughey


Gene knock-ins in Drosophila using homology-independent insertion of universal donor plasmids

Justin Bosch, Ryan Colbeth, Jonathan Zirin, Norbert Perrimon

Describes tools for creating knock-ins without the requirement for cloning homolgy arms.

A large-scale resource for tissue-specific CRISPR mutagenesis in Drosophila

Fillip Port, Claudia Strein, Mona Stricker, Benedikt Rauscher, Florian Heigwer, Jun Zhou, Celine Beyersdörffer, Jana Frei, Amy Hess, Katharina Kern, Roberta Malamud, Bojana Pavlovic, Kristin Rädecke, Lukas Schmitt, Lukas Voos, Erica Valentini, Michael Boutros

The authors describe large scale libraries for in vivo CRISPR mutagenesis, as well as a selection of uORF cas9 lines for tuning Cas9 expression, thus mitigating toxicity.

Proximity labeling reveals novel interactomes in live Drosophila tissue

Katelynn M Mannix, Rebecca M. Starble, Ronit S. Kaufman, Lynn Cooley

Demonstration of proximity labelling approach for identifying protein-protein interactions in vivo.

Enhanced Golic+: Gene targeting with 100% recovery in Drosophila male germ cells

Hui-Min Chen, Xiaohao Yao, Qingzhong Ren, Chuan-Chie Chang, Ling-Yu Liu, Tzumin Lee

Improved methods for HDR in drosophila with impressive 100% recovery rate of desired insertion from male germ cells.


Posted on: 21 May 2019 , updated on: 1 July 2019

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