
Search results

Your search returned 231 results.

Cancer modeling by Transgene Electroporation in Adult Zebrafish (TEAZ)

Scott J Callahan, Stephanie Tepan, Yan M Zhang, et al.

Selected by 03 May 2018

Hannah Brunsdon

Cancer Biology

Bioelectric-calcineurin signaling module regulates allometric growth and size of the zebrafish fin

Jacob Daane, Jennifer Lanni, Ina Rothenberg, et al.

Selected by 22 March 2018

Alberto Rosello-Diez

Developmental Biology

mutations in Bcl9 and Pygo genes cause congenital heart defects by tissue-specific perturbation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling

Claudio Cantù, Anastasia Felker, Dario Zimmerli, et al.

Selected by 07 February 2018

Andreas van Impel

Developmental Biology