
Search results

Your search returned 734 results.

Scalable and efficient generation of mouse primordial germ cell-like cells

Xinbao Ding, Liangdao Li, Jingyi Gao, et al.

Selected by 05 March 2024

Carly Guiltinan

Cell Biology

FoxO transcription factors actuate the formative pluripotency specific gene expression programme

Laura Santini, Saskia Kowald, Giovanni Sestini, et al.

Selected by 04 March 2024


Developmental Biology

Lens Placode Modulates Extracellular Matrix Formation During Early Eye development

Cecília G. De Magalhães, Ales Cvekl, Ruy G. Jaeger, et al.

Selected by 28 February 2024

Bhaval Parmar

Developmental Biology

Learning a conserved mechanism for early neuroectoderm morphogenesis

Matthew Lefebvre, Jonathan Colen, Nikolas Claussen, et al.

Selected by 19 February 2024

Panagiotis Oikonomou


Behavioral screening of conserved RNA-binding proteins reveals CEY-1/YBX RNA-binding protein dysfunction leads to impairments in memory and cognition

Ashley N Hayden, Katie L Brandel, Paul R Merlau, et al.

Selected by 15 February 2024

Chee Kiang Ewe

Animal Behavior and Cognition

The genetic basis of novel trait gain in walking fish

Amy L Herbert, Corey AH Allard, Matthew J McCoy, et al.

Selected by 14 February 2024

Roberto Rodríguez-Morales

Evolutionary Biology

Prenatal inflammation reprograms hyperactive ILC2s that promote allergic lung inflammation and airway dysfunction

Diego A. López, Aleah Griffin, Lorena Moreno Aguilar, et al.

Selected by 08 February 2024

Marina Schernthanner


Multimodal interactions in Stomoxys navigation reveals synergy between olfaction and vision

Merid N Getahun, Steve Baleba, John Ngiela, et al.

Selected by 06 February 2024

Maitri Manjunath

Animal Behavior and Cognition

Mixed Alkyl/Aryl Phosphonates Identify Metabolic Serine Hydrolases as Antimalarial Targets

John M. Bennett, Sunil K. Narwal, Stephanie Kabeche, et al.

Selected by 02 February 2024

Zhang-He Goh


Nanos2+ cells give rise to germline and somatic lineages in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis

Andreas Denner, Julia Steger, Alexander Ries, et al.

Selected by 30 January 2024

Isabella Cisneros

Developmental Biology

Generalized Biomolecular Modeling and Design with RoseTTAFold All-Atom

Rohith Krishna, Jue Wang, Woody Ahern, et al.

Selected by 24 January 2024

Saanjbati Adhikari


Volumetric Compression Shifts Rho GTPase Balance and Induces Mechanobiological Cell State Transition

Xiangyu Gong, Ryan Nguyen, Zehua Chen, et al.

Selected by 11 January 2024


Cell Biology