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Your search returned 4 results.

NINJA: an inducible genetic model for creating neoantigens in vivo

Martina Damo, Brittany Fitzgerald, Yisi Lu, et al.

Selected by 04 March 2020

Deborah Caswell

Cancer Biology

The tuatara genome: insights into vertebrate evolution from the sole survivor of an ancient reptilian order

Neil J. gemmell, Kim Rutherford, Stefan Prost, et al.

Selected by 20 December 2019

Miguel V. Almeida


A SoxB gene acts as an anterior gap gene and regulates posterior segment addition in the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum

Christian L. B. Paese, Anna Schoenauer, Daniel J. Leite, et al.

Selected by 18 May 2018

Erik Clark

Developmental Biology

PDX Finder: A Portal for Patient-Derived tumor Xenograft Model Discovery

Nathalie Conte, Jeremy Mason, Csaba Halmagyi, et al.

Selected by 20 April 2018

Carmen Adriaens

Cancer Biology