
Search results

Your search returned 736 results.

Adult caudal fin shape is imprinted in the embryonic fin fold

Eric Surette, Joan Donahue, Stephanie Robinson, et al.

Selected by 28 August 2024

Isabella Cisneros

Developmental Biology

Functional Diversity of Memory CD8 T Cells is Spatiotemporally Imprinted

Miguel Reina-Campos, Alexander Monell, Amir Ferry, et al.

Selected by 22 August 2024

Marina Schernthanner


Triglyceride metabolism controls inflammation and APOE4-associated disease states in microglia

Roxan A. Stephenson, Kory R. Johnson, Linling Cheng, et al.

Selected by 22 August 2024

Gustavo Stelzer, Marcus Oliveira


Impaired 26S proteasome causes learning and memory deficiency and induces neuroinflammation mediated by NF-κB in mice

Christa C. Huber, Eduardo Callegari, Maria Paez, et al.

Selected by 22 August 2024

Gustavo Stelzer, Marcus Oliveira


TAK1 operates at the primary cilium in non-canonical TGFB/BMP signaling to control heart development

Canan Doganli, Daniel A. Baird, Yeasmeen Ali, et al.

Selected by 16 August 2024

Reinier Prosee

Developmental Biology

TGF-β Signaling in Cranial Neural Crest Affects Late-Stage Mandibular Bone Resorption and Length

Claire J. Houchen, Saif Ghanem, Vesa Kaartinen, et al.

Selected by 07 August 2024

Bhaval Parmar

Cell Biology

A fine kinetic balance of interactions directs transcription factor hubs to genes

Apratim Mukherjee, Samantha Fallacaro, Puttachai Ratchasanmuang, et al.

Selected by 23 July 2024

Deevitha Balasubramanian


Cell cycle-dependent mRNA localization in P-bodies

Adham Safieddine, Marie-Noëlle Benassy, Thomas Bonte, et al.

Selected by 11 July 2024

Mohammed JALLOH

Cell Biology

Enhancer-driven cell type comparison reveals similarities between the mammalian and bird pallium

Nikolai Hecker , Niklas Kempynck , David Mauduit, et al.

Selected by 02 July 2024

Rodrigo Senovilla-Ganzo


Autism gene variants disrupt enteric neuron migration and cause gastrointestinal dysmotility

Kate E. McCluskey, Katherine M. Stovell, Karen Law, et al.

Selected by 10 June 2024

Rachel Mckeown


Enhancer cooperativity can compensate for loss of activity over large genomic distances

Henry Thomas, Songjie Feng, Marie Huber, et al.

Selected by 10 June 2024

Milan Antonovic


Notch3 is a genetic modifier of NODAL signalling for patterning asymmetry during mouse heart looping

Tobias Holm Bønnelykke, Marie-Amandine Chabry, Emeline Perthame, et al.

Selected by 06 June 2024

Bhaval Parmar

Developmental Biology