
Frequently asked questions

About preLights

What is preLights?

How does preLights work?

Is preLights a preprint server?

Do preLights count as a publication?

Do preLights posts receive a DOI?

Are preLight posts indexed on other platforms?

Writing for preLights

How can I contribute to preLights?

Why should I become a preLighter?

Can I only write about topics covered by journals published by The Company of Biologists?

I’m not a native English speaker. Can I still become a preLighter?

For preprint authors

Does having my preprint highlighted compromise the publication of the final paper?

As a preprint author, do I have to worry about journal embargo policies when responding to preLighter questions?

For preLights readers

Why should I register on preLights?

Can I sign up for a newsletter?

Is preLights on social media?

Can I comment on posts?

Are comments moderated?

How can I show I like a post or a comment?

All about preLists

What are preLists?

Can I create a preList if I'm not a preLighter?

Do the preLists get updated?