

New episode alert: ‘spotLights’ releases episode 2

The spotLights team has just published the second episode of their interview series, highlighting the (early-career) researchers and stories behind the latest preprints. In this second episode, the team talks to Dr Bipasha Dey, Dr Girish Kale and Verena Kaul about their recent preprint entitled “Divergent evolutionary strategies preempt tissue…

Posted on 16 August 2024

Introducing Shreya Pramanik – one of the SciCommConnect three-minute talk winners

In June, the Node, preLights and FocalPlane hosted SciCommConnect, a science communication event focussed on learning new scicomm skills and networking with like-minded researchers. As part of the day, we hosted a three-minute research talk competition, and we were treated to 12 fantastic talks on a range of topics. We…

Posted on 7 August 2024

Introducing spotLights: a new interview series

We are thrilled to announce the launch of spotLights, an interview series that aims to highlight the early-career researchers behind the most exciting biological preprints. spotLights provides a platform for early-career researchers to share their exciting work and personal experiences navigating an academic career. Each episode will highlight the highs…

Posted on 12 July 2024

Catch up on our preLights webinar series: From preprint to publication

Three webinars were chaired by the preLights Ambassador Martin Estermann last month which feature three preprints that have all been covered by our preLighters. These webinars discuss the journey of the selected preprint, focusing on the original story presented in the preprint and how this changed during revisions. The recordings…

Posted on 11 January 2024

preLights’ 5th Birthday webinar recording is now available!

preLights is celebrating its 5th birthday. To mark the occasion, this webinar features four short talks given by preLights alumni who have all made significant contributions to preLights, and have since taken a range of career paths. In their talks, they tell us how they have managed to identify and…

Posted on 15 March 2023

Happy 5th Birthday to preLights!

Five years ago today, on a Tuesday afternoon, preLights was officially launched. What a journey it has been so far! From its beginning, the preLights community has been steadily growing to now include over 400 preLighters, 1400 subscribers and 7000 Twitter followers! Without the passion, dedication and support of this…

Posted on 20 February 2023