
Announcing a new preLights webinar series: From preprint to publication

16 November 2023

In line with our ongoing postLights initiative, one of our preLights Ambassadors, Martin Estermann, has decided to create and host a new webinar series which will focus on the journey of the preprint. This initiative will involve a series of virtual webinars featuring different researchers (often early-career researchers) who posted their manuscripts as a preprint before or during the peer review process.

The goal of this webinar series is to highlight the benefits of preprinting to the research community and to discuss relevant examples both within and outside the preLights community.

Selected preprint authors will have the opportunity to explain their biological research in front of a diverse audience, focusing on the original story presented in the preprint and how this changed during revisions. The authors will also be asked to reflect on the potential benefits of having their research available to the scientific community before formal peer review. These could include getting invited to present at conferences or seminars, establishing new collaborations, early referencing of their papers, grant application success, and more. In cases where the preprint being discussed was highlighted by preLights, the authors’ preLights experience will also be addressed as well as any impact that the preLights post may have had.

This webinar series will commence in two weeks: Thursday, 30 November at 17:00 EST. The first session will feature Roger Pocock, Senior Research Fellow at the Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute, Australia, whose preprint ‘An intestinal sphingolipid promotes neuronal health across generations’ was covered on preLights by Chee Kiang (Ethan) Ewe and later published in Nature Cell Biology. Please register below and join us on Zoom to hear more about the story behind this preprint. Also, stay tuned for updates about any future sessions!


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