
Anastasia Moraiti

The Francis Crick Institute

Anastasia Moraiti has added 3 preLight posts

Conserved Chamber-Specific Polyploidy Maintains Heart Function in Drosophila

Archan Chakraborty, Nora G. Peterson, Juliet S. King, et al.

Selected by 03 March 2023

Anastasia Moraiti

Cell Biology

The molecular architecture of cell cycle arrest

Wayne Stallaert, Sovanny R. Taylor, Katarzyna M. Kedziora, et al.

Selected by 30 May 2022

Anastasia Moraiti

Cell Biology

FGF signaling promotes precursor spreading for adult adipogenesis in Drosophila

Yuting Lei, Yuwei Huang, Ke Yang, et al.

Selected by 10 May 2022

Anastasia Moraiti

Cell Biology

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