
Carola Yovanovich

University of São Paulo

I became a biologist and did my PhD at University of Buenos Aires in Argentina, where I was born and raised. Back then, my research work focused on neuronal regeneration, using the olfactory system of tadpoles as my experimental model. Developmental biology was by far my first love as a biologist wannabe, I have an ever-growing fascination with sensory biology and amphibians are my favourite vertebrates. So after a one-year break from academia working at the pharma industry I partially changed gears, turning ‘sensory systems’ and ‘amphibians’ into my actual research subjects. I started with a postdoc at Lund University in Sweden doing mostly behavioural work on nocturnal colour vision in European frogs, and I am currently in my second postdoc at University of São Paulo in Brazil taking advantage of the Neotropical amphibian diversity to study the range of adaptations in the visual system of frogs from different ecological niches and phylogenetic backgrounds. I enjoy using a combination of behavioural and morphological methods to find out what animals can see with the eyes that they have, and I am particularly passionate about what good old microscopy still can teach us, and also about the momentum that it is re-gaining with the imaging techniques that are being developed almost everyday! However, some days I also flirt with the idea of flexing my physiologist muscles, and some others I miss the developmental side of things. Thus, I will probably be writing about a combination of all these topics, while I work on making all of them come together in future research projects.

Carola Yovanovich has added 1 preLight post

Elaborate pupils in skates may help camouflage the eye

Sean Youn, Corey Okinaka, Lydia Mathger

Selected by 28 January 2019

Carola Yovanovich

Animal Behavior and Cognition

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