
Georgina Sava

Imperial College London

I am currently a postdoc at Imperial College London, where I work on the identification of resistance and response mechanisms to CDK inhibitors in breast cancer. I am interested in the ways that cancer can evolve and adapt to evade treatment and the development of strategies to overcome this. I am also fascinated by gene regulation and the contribution of the non-coding genome to cancer. Previously, I completed my PhD at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, where I studied genetic predisposition to chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.

Georgina Sava has added 1 preLight post

Drug mechanism-of-action discovery through the integration of pharmacological and CRISPR screens

Emanuel Gonçalves, Aldo Segura-Cabrera, Clare Pacini, et al.

Selected by 20 March 2020

Georgina Sava

Cancer Biology

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