
Helena Pinheiro

Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes, Lisbon

I am a PhD student trying to understand how a giant multinucleated cell can regulate the even distribution of nuclear products along its cytoplasm. For this purpose, I am exploring the mechanisms of mRNA distribution in skeletal muscle cells, giant cells that result from the fusion of mononucleated precursors. I believe strongly that science must be shared for the benefit of our society and I try to contribute for science outreach in my spare time.

Helena Pinheiro has added 3 preLight posts

The LINC complex transmits integrin-dependent tension to the nuclear lamina and represses epidermal differentiation

Emma Carley*, Rachel M. Stewart*, Abigail Zieman*, et al.

Selected by 12 May 2020

Helena Pinheiro

Cell Biology

ActuAtor, a molecular tool for generating force in living cells: Controlled deformation of intracellular structures

Hideki Nakamura, Elmer Rho, Daqi Deng, et al.

Selected by 07 April 2020

Helena Pinheiro

Cell Biology

An Endocytic Capture Model for Skeletal Muscle T-tubule Formation

Thomas E Hall, Nick Martel, Nicholas Ariotti, et al.

Selected by 30 March 2020

Helena Pinheiro

Developmental Biology

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