
Martin Holub

Department of Bionanoscience & Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology

Hello! 🙂

My name is Martin and I am currently researching the spatio-temporal organizing principles of circular chromosomes as a PhD candidate at the Department of Bionanoscience at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience in Delft.

Apart from doing science, I am often to be found playing Ultimate (frsibee), or spending time in a good company (books included!). I am a foodie and I will never refuse to taste a new meal (or a drink!):)

Martin Holub has added 1 preLight post

Geometric principles underlying the proliferation of a model cell system

Ling Juan Wu, Seoungjun Lee, Sungshic Park, et al.

Selected by 07 May 2020

Martin Holub


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