
Mariana Natalino

Gulbenkian Science Institute

My name is Mariana and I’m a first-year PhD student at the Gulbenkian Institute of Science (IGC) in Portugal. I got my degree in molecular biology in 2017. In 2019 I obtained my master’s degree in molecular medicine and oncology. As an undergrad, I studied nanoparticle-based therapeutic options for breast cancer and cancer stem cells at the Cancer Drug Resistance lab in i3s, Porto. In 2021, I joined the Genome Maintenance and Evolution lab as a PhD student, supervised by Dr. Marco Fumasoni. I’m broadly interested in the field of evolutionary biology and using experimental evolution as a tool to uncover complex molecular mechanisms of adaptation. My current work focuses on understanding the role of nutrient-sensing during the evolutionary adaptation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Mariana Natalino has added 1 preLight post

Overdominant mutations restrict the adaptive loss of heterozygosity at linked loci

Kaitlin J. Fisher, Ryan C. Vignogna, Gregory I. Lang

Selected by 07 June 2021

Mariana Natalino

Evolutionary Biology

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