
Osvaldo A. Miranda

IST Austria

Currently a graduate student at the Institute of Science and Technology of Austria, where I focus on developmental neurobiology, autism, and epilepsy. In my previous work at the Broad Stem Cell Research Center at UCLA I was focused on understanding the mechanisms of epileptogenesis with human brain organoids as our model system. Outside of lab and far from my computer I enjoy bouldering and hiking.

Osvaldo A. Miranda has added 2 preLight posts

Conservation and divergence of vulnerability and responses to stressors between human and mouse astrocytes

Jiwen Li, Lin Pan, Marlesa I. Godoy, et al.

Selected by 27 April 2020

Osvaldo A. Miranda


Inhibitory regulation of calcium transients in prefrontal dendritic spines is compromised by a nonsense Shank3 mutation

Farhan Ali, Ling-Xiao Shao, Danielle M. Gerhard, et al.

Selected by 27 February 2020

Osvaldo A. Miranda


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