
Riddhi Deshmukh

Hello! I am a newly minted PhD, having recently completed my doctoral degree from the National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India. My research interests lie in exploring the evolutionary, genetic and developmental bases of ecological adaptations. My doctoral work was on the genetics and development of wing patterning in mimetic Papilio swallowtail butterflies. It comprised of an integrative approach to understanding how mimetic polymorphism has evolved and is maintained in the Papilio polytes. Through my work, I explored a wide range of biological phenomena that shaped wing patterning in mimetic butterflies, from gene networks to speciation events.

Riddhi Deshmukh has added 2 preLight posts

A supergene in seaweed flies modulates male traits and female perception

Swantje Enge, Claire Mérot, Raimondas Mozūraitis, et al.

Selected by 06 August 2021

Riddhi Deshmukh

Evolutionary Biology

Ecological basis and genetic architecture of crypsis polymorphism in the desert clicker grasshopper (Ligurotettix coquilletti)

Timothy K. O’Connor, Marissa C. Sandoval, Jiarui Wang, et al.

Selected by 27 May 2021

Riddhi Deshmukh


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