
Sarah Morson

The University of Edinburgh

Following completion of my undergraduate degree I was awarded a 4 year BBSRC PhD scholarship to undertake my PhD in developmental neurobiology at the University of Edinburgh. My project utilizes a multi-modular approach to understand the effects of the 16p11.2 CNV on early neurogenesis and how this might contribute to the patient phenotypes.

I became aware of the preLights project while working as the intern at the Node where my main project involved refurbishing their resources page  and I am delighted to be involved as a contributor.

From my posts expect plenty of neural development, patterning, some organoids and anything else I find interesting!

Sarah Morson has added 1 preLight post

Feedback control of neurogenesis by tissue packing

Tom W. Hiscock, Joel B. Miesfeld, Kishore R. Mosaliganti, et al.

Selected by 05 March 2018

Sarah Morson


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