
Search results

Your search returned 118 results.

14-3-3 binding regulates Tau assembly and microtubule association

Janine Hochmair, Maxime C. M. van den Oetelaar, Lisa Diez, et al.

Selected by 03 May 2024

Barbora Knotkova et al.


A choroid plexus apocrine secretion mechanism shapes CSF proteome and embryonic brain development

Ya’el Courtney, Joshua P. Head, Elizabeth D. Yimer, et al.

Selected by 12 March 2024

Monica Tambalo, Vanessa Aragona

Developmental Biology

Prenatal inflammation reprograms hyperactive ILC2s that promote allergic lung inflammation and airway dysfunction

Diego A. López, Aleah Griffin, Lorena Moreno Aguilar, et al.

Selected by 08 February 2024

Marina Schernthanner


Pervasive sublethal effects of agrochemicals as contributing factors to insect decline

Lautaro Gandara, Richard Jacoby, François Laurent, et al.

Selected by 07 February 2024

Roberto Amadio

Animal Behavior and Cognition

Double-strand breaks in facultative heterochromatin require specific movements and chromatin changes for efficient repair

Marieke R. Wensveen, Aditya A. Dixit, Serafin U. Colmenares, et al.

Selected by 15 December 2023

Pierre Caron

Molecular Biology

Torpor energetics are related to the interaction between body mass and climate in bats of the family Vespertilionidae

Jorge Ayala-Berdon, Kevin I. Medina-Bello

Selected by 07 December 2023

Sarah Young-Veenstra


Inference of drug off-target effects on cellular signaling using Interactome-Based Deep Learning

Nikolaos Meimetis, Douglas A. Lauffenburger, Avlant Nilsson

Selected by 29 November 2023

Benjamin Dominik Maier


Hibernating ribosomes tether to mitochondria as an adaptive response to cellular stress during glucose depletion

Olivier Gemin, Maciej Gluc, Michael Purdy, et al.

Selected by 15 November 2023

Barbora Knotkova

Molecular Biology

NAD+ metabolism is a key modulator of bacterial respiratory epithelial infections

Björn Klabunde, André Wesener, Wilhelm Bertrams, et al.

Selected by 17 October 2023

Matheus Atella de Oliveira, Marcus Oliveira


Mentoring practices predictive of doctoral student outcomes in a biological sciences cohort

Reena Debray, Emily A. Dewald-Wang, Katherine K. Ennis

Selected by 13 October 2023

Reinier Prosee et al.

Scientific Communication and Education

CRISPR-dependent base editing screens identify separation of function mutants of RADX with altered RAD51 regulatory activity

Madison B. Adolph, Atharv S. Garje, Swati Balakrishnan, et al.

Selected by 06 September 2023

Jessica Chevallier, Pierre Caron

Cell Biology

A Phosphoproteomics Data Resource for Systems-level Modeling of Kinase Signaling Networks

Song Feng, James A. Sanford, Thomas Weber, et al.

Selected by 30 August 2023

Benjamin Dominik Maier

Systems Biology