
Search results

Your search returned 26 results.

Collagen polarization provides a structural memory for the elongation of epithelial anlage

Hiroko Katsuno-Kambe, Jessica L. Teo, Robert J. Ju, et al.

Selected by 19 March 2021

Ilaria Di Meglio

Cell Biology

Mechanism of cell polarisation and first lineage segregation in the human embryo

Meng Zhu, Marta N. Shahbazi, Angel Martin, et al.

Selected by 06 October 2020

Grace Lim

Adhesion-mediated heterogeneous actin organization governs apoptotic cell extrusion

Anh Phuong Le, Jean-François Rupprecht, René-Marc Mège, et al.

Selected by 23 September 2020

Jessica L. Teo

Cell Biology

Asymmetric nuclear division of neural stem cells contributes to the formation of sibling nuclei with different identities

Chantal Roubinet, Ian J. White, Buzz Baum

Selected by 03 September 2020

Grace Lim

Cell Biology

Viscoelastic relaxation of collagen networks provides a self-generated directional cue during collective migration

Andrew G. Clark, Ananyo Maitra, Cécile Jacques, et al.

Selected by 26 August 2020

Mariana De Niz

Cell Biology

Temporal correlation between oscillating force dipoles drives single cell migration in 3D

A. Godeau, M. Leoni, J. Comelles, et al.

Selected by 11 June 2020

Mariana De Niz


Evolutionary Changes in Left-Right Visceral Asymmetry in Astyanax Cavefish

Li Ma, Mandy Ng, Janet Shi, et al.

Selected by 05 June 2020

Sophia Friesen

Evolutionary Biology

Early neurulation recapitulated in assemblies of embryonic and extraembryonic cells

Noémie M. L. P. Bérenger-Currias, Maria Mircea, Esmée Adegeest, et al.

Selected by 24 April 2020

Monica Tambalo

Developmental Biology

The coordinated localization of mRNA to centrosomes facilitates error-free mitosis

Pearl V. Ryder, Junnan Fang, Dorothy A. Lerit

Selected by 14 April 2020

Grace Lim

Cell Biology

Self-organised symmetry breaking in zebrafish reveals feedback from morphogenesis to pattern formation

Vikas Trivedi, Timothy Fulton, Andrea Attardi, et al.

Selected by 07 October 2019

Sundar Naganathan

Developmental Biology

Cytoskeletal tension actively sustains the migratory T cell synaptic contact

Sudha Kumari, Michael Mak, Yehchuin Poh, et al.

Selected by 11 June 2019

Tim Fessenden


symmetry breaking in the embryonic skin triggers a directional and sequential front of competence during plumage patterning

Richard Bailleul, Carole Desmarquet-Trin Dinh, Magdalena Hidalgo, et al.

Selected by 21 December 2018

Alexa Sadier

Developmental Biology