
Search results

Your search returned 317 results.

Elucidating the molecular determinants of Aβ aggregation with deep mutational scanning

Vanessa E Gray, Katherine Sitko, Floriane Z. Ngako Kameni, et al.

Selected by 18 July 2019

Suzanne McDermott

Molecular Biology

PP1 and PP2A use opposite phospho-dependencies to control distinct processes at the kinetochore

Richard J Smith, Marilia H Cordeiro, Norman E Davey, et al.

Selected by 17 July 2019

Angika Basant

Cell Biology

Ran GTPase regulates non-centrosomal microtubule nucleation and is transported by actin waves towards the neurite tip

Yung-An Huang, Chih-Hsuan Hsu, Ho-Chieh Chiu, et al.

Selected by 16 July 2019

Ramona Jühlen


Aequorea victoria’s secrets

Gerard G. Lambert, Hadrien Depernet, Guillaume Gotthard, et al.

Selected by 07 July 2019

Marc Somssich


CLADES: a programmable sequence of reporters for lineage analysis

Jorge Garcia-Marques, Ching-Po Yang, Isabel Espinosa-Medina, et al.

Selected by 07 July 2019

Ying-Tsen Tung

Developmental Biology

Dual role of Miro protein clusters in mitochondrial cristae organisation and ER-Mitochondria Contact Sites

Souvik Modi, Guillermo López-Doménech, Elise F. Halff, et al.

Selected by 26 June 2019

Sandra Franco Iborra

Cell Biology

Molecular determinants of the Ska-Ndc80 interaction and their influence on microtubule tracking and force-coupling

Pim J. Huis in 't Veld, Vladimir A. Volkov, Isabelle Stender, et al.

Selected by 24 June 2019

Yasmin Lau

Molecularly distinct cores coexist inside stress granules

Luca Cirillo, Adeline Cieren, Monica Gotta

Selected by 13 June 2019

Tessa Sinnige

Cell Biology

Resolving the 3D landscape of transcription-linked mammalian chromatin folding

Tsung-Han S. Hsieh, Elena Slobodyanyuk, Anders S. Hansen, et al.

Selected by 13 June 2019

Clarice Hong


Cytoskeletal tension actively sustains the migratory T cell synaptic contact

Sudha Kumari, Michael Mak, Yehchuin Poh, et al.

Selected by 11 June 2019

Tim Fessenden


Phase separation of zonula occludens proteins drives formation of tight junctions

Oliver Beutel, Riccardo Maraspini, Karina Pombo-Garcia, et al.

Selected by 10 June 2019

Abagael Lasseigne

Cell Biology

Apicomplexan F-actin is required for efficient nuclear entry during host cell invasion

Mario Del Rosario, Javier Periz, Georgios Pavlou, et al.

Selected by 04 June 2019

Juan Quintana
